Inspiring Jobs

Painting: 'Unexpected Talents'

Redesign your work to suit your aspirations

Here is a space where you can express what you feel and have discovered about the occupations you have been involved in. Our hope is that your contributions will stimulate not only constructive discussions about the future of work but real-life experiments to insert new ideas into old habits

Why work needs to be re-invented

The more education people receive, the more demanding they become in the kind of work they want to do. It is no longer enough to earn a living. Work needs to be intellectually and culturally stimulating, to widen horizons, and to forge links with an ever greater diversity of interesting people. But the occupations and professions in existence were not created with these purposes in mind. As the number of graduates multiplies, there are no longer enough of the kinds of job they long for.

So how can we invent new kinds of work to suit contemporary aspirations? How can we replace the mind-numbing, bureaucratic, back-stabbing or futile routines that have become a normal part of many people's lives? We can use our imaginations and construct something different, but this is not an invitation to invent a utopia. We need to make experiments in contact with existing institutions, to try out what is practical and possible. The Muse has already developed ideas for the reinvention of a number of occupations, some of which are being put into practice by major corporations on an experimental basis, see Re-inventing business.

What you can do

Contact us to share your experiences and constructive ideas. Please state what occupation you have experience of, so that we know who is an insider and who an outsider. Both can contribute.

We are open to hearing from people about any form of work; Here are just a few of the activities in which humans pass large parts of their lives, not always to much benefit to themselves or others: please encourage them to say what they think.

  • Self-Employment
  • The Armed Forces
  • Administration Management
  • Art Design Teaching Culture
  • Entertainment Leisure
  • Hospitality
  • Catering
  • Health
  • Social Services
  • Law
  • Security
  • Finance
  • Insurance
  • Retail
  • Science
  • Engineering Consulting
  • Counselling
  • Religion
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Animals
  • Environment
  • Transport
  • Charity