How to be a Muse?

Painting: 'The Devil In The Detail'

No fees. No subscriptions. Enter any one of our activities and they will lead you to wider horizons and new opportunities.

If you are tired of superficial conversation, then come to one of our Muse Conversation Dinners or read about Intelligent Friendships. We also organise private Conversation Dinners for businesses and institutions which want to get to know their colleagues or clients better.

If you want to clarify what you want to do with your life, and to discover what others are thinking about what is important in their lives, then look at our Gallery of Self-Portraits, and create your own self-portrait. We can provide help in this if you wish, see Illuminating Self-Portraits.

If you think your profession or occupation has serious weaknesses, then join our projects to rethink the way people work. Tell us about your experiences so that we can create a more accurate picture of what goes on under the name of work. Send us your ideas about what needs to be done – not just minor changes, but also how to respond more fundamentally to the new aspirations of both women and men. Tell us who you believe should be invited to participate in that redesign. We want to establish groups of people to discuss each occupation, and to develop collaboration between occupations. Read about Inspiring Jobs and Re-inventing Business.

If you are in an organisation that needs to think about the future in a more imaginative way and with broader horizons, if you are a specialist who would like to become a generalist – to understand better how people in other disciplines think and to be able to collaborate more effectively with them - then put yourself down for the MCA and short courses we want to organise.

If you are a graduate in just one or two subjects which has left you feeling thoroughly ignorant in too many domains and if you would like to be a pioneer in opting for a new kind of postgraduate education which broadens rather than narrows the mind, let us know.

If you have more than enough to live on, and have the leisure to contribute your skills or financial support to what we do, please get in touch.